Feeling Connected at Work

 Apr 27, 2016

Most of us spend more time at work than on any other activity. Many of use spend more time with colleagues than we do with our family! Since it is such a big part of our lives, it is very important that we feel a positive human connection with those around us at work. This is even more important when we are part of a ‘distributed workforce’, when casual interactions over a coffee are unlikely.

Here are three practical ideals that managers, team leaders and supervisors can employ to encourage connectedness:

  1. Use technology that encourages employees to stay connected with each other.
  2. This could be a social page where they can share photos, stories or links, separate from LinkedIn or other work-related tools.

  3. Ask your employees for their input frequently, and use it!
  4. We are all aware that when we volunteer our ideas and seen them used, we feel great – as though we made a difference. This is an easy and effective way to build a motivated workforce and it doesn’t require endless meetings or huge amounts of time, if we use technology. There is a plethora of tech out there which facilitates virtual get-togethers. Also, quick questions and responses that are collated and shared with the group can be very effective and building connectedness.

  5. Be genuinely interested and involved with staff and colleagues
  6. Whether you are a large or small organisation, being visible and caring is a big part of a manager’s ability to create connectedness. Being “around” isn’t the same as actually interacting individually, in an interested and intentioned way. Ask them how it’s going and relate it to specific issues; find out about aspects they are finding challenging; comment on personal events they may have shared or posted. I suppose it boils down to being genuinely interested in those around you.

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About the Author:

Fee Hosking  

With over 24 years experience as a trainer, Fee is one of our most senior Professional Development trainers at New Horizons Sydney. With a professional background as a management consultant in the South African manufacturing industry, Fee brings credibility, experience and authenticity to all of the subjects that she trains. She has the ability to engage professionals from the junior to the senior level. Bringing great energy to the classroom, Fee ensures that the learning experience for all who attend is an enjoyable one, which in turn makes it a truly impactful one.

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