In the ‘old days’ there was a secretarial pool who typed up any letter of importance that was to go out of an organisation. These people were careful and made correspondence represent the organisation well. The need for precise and appropriate business writing has not disappeared but the responsibilities of the secretarial pool have been decentralised to every individual in an organisation. Emails can be sent without scrutiny at the speed of a key-stroke, potentially shedding poor light on individuals and companies.
‘Write it Right for Business’ focuses on ensuring the quality of writing being constructed by you meets expected standards and intended outcomes of the document. It teaches participants how to write in a business environment for internal and external parties. The fundamental writing skills of planning, writing, editing and proofing are covered, including: understanding the audience, getting appropriate structure and writing in a clear, concise, correct and courteous way. You also learn how to write emails appropriately and specific business letters such as, setting limits with customers.
- Discussing basic writing skills
- Identifying the components of effective paragraphs
- Planning
- Writing
- Editing
- Proofing
- Publishing
- Points to consider up front about how the document will be published
- Importance of proofreading and its difference to editing
- Ten Pointers to Perfect Proofing
- Creating a Document Aim
- Creating a Document Outline
- Using Mind Maps to organise your brain
- The Five C’s of Writing Well
- The First C: Writing Clearly
- The Second C : Writing Concisely
- The Third C: Making your Writing Complete
- The Fourth C: Writing Correctly
- The Fifth C: Courtesy
- The importance of getting e-mail right
- Writing more Positively for Your Audience
- Making Requests
- Paragraph Content and E-mail Structure
- Editing Emails
- Professionalism
- Some Do’s, Don’ts and Etiquette
- Format and Layout of a Business Letter
- Suggested Forms of Address and Salutations
- Types of Letters & Individual Practice Session
- Persuasion
- ‘No’ Letters
- Formulating a Resulting Cumulative Action Plan for Success
Key Business Benefits
- Presents a better business image to customers through professional writing
- Boosts an individual’s productivity by following a time saving process
- Saves the time of others by easier readership and understanding
- Reduces risk through greater clarity
Key Participants Benefit
- Adapts to audience needs by considering the needs of the intended recipients and their likely preferences for information consumption
- Creates a professional individual image through well crafted correspondence
- Boosts your productivity by following a time saving process
- Specifically covers emails and letters
- Adapt your writing to audience needs through profiling
- Write clearly and avoid redundancy
- Write well structured and courteous correspondence
- Write correct and complete documents
- Accomplish greater productivity in writing
- Adhere to the do’s and don’ts of professional email and letter writing
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