The skills and knowledge acquired in this course are sufficient to be able to create real life working VBA applications within Excel. The learner will be able to work with VBA within the Excel environment to program and automate worksheet operations.
- Programming in Microsoft Excel
- VBA Terminology
- Displaying the DEVELOPER Tab
- The VBA Editor Screen
- Opening and Closing the Editor
- Understanding Objects
- Viewing the Excel Object Model
- Using the Immediate Window
- Working With Object Collections
- Setting Property Values
- Working With Worksheets
- Using the Object Browser
- Programming With the Object Browser
- Accessing Help
- Code Glossary
- Using the Project Explorer
- Working With the Properties
- Window
- Using the Work Area
- Viewing Other Panes
- Working With Toolbars
- Working With a Code Module
- Running Code From the Editor
- Setting Breakpoints in Code
- Stepping Through Code
- Understanding Procedures
- Where to Write Procedures
- Creating a New Sub Routine
- Using IntelliSense
- Using the Edit Toolbar
- Commenting Statements
- Indenting Code
- Bookmarking in Procedures
- Code Glossary
- Understanding Variables
- Creating and Using Variables
- Explicit Declarations
- The Scope of Variables
- Procedure Level Scoping
- Module Level Scoping
- Understanding Passing Variables
- Passing Variables by Reference
- Passing Variables by Value
- Understanding Data Types for Variables
- Declaring Data Types
- Using Arrays
- Code Glossary
- Understanding Functions
- Creating User-Defined Functions
- Using a User-Defined Function in a Worksheet
- Setting Function Data Types Using Multiple Arguments
- Modifying a User-Defined Function
- Creating a Function Library
- Referencing a Function Library
- Importing a VBA Module
- Using a Function in VBA Code
- Code Glossary
- The Application Object
- The Workbook Objects
- Program Testing With the Editor
- Using Workbook Objects
- The Worksheets Object
- Using the Worksheets Object
- The Range Object
- Using Range Objects
- Using Objects in a Procedure
- Code Glossary
- The MsgBox Function
- Using MsgBox
- InputBox Techniques
- Using the InputBox
- Function Using the InputBox Method
- The IF Statement
- Using IF for Single Conditions
- Using IF for Multiple Conditions
- The Select Case Statement
- Using the Select Case Statement For Loops
- Looping With Specified Iterations
- The Do Loop Statement
- Looping With Unknown Iterations
- Code Glossary
- Understanding VBA Forms
- Creating a Custom Form
- Adding Text Boxes to a Form
- Changing Text Box Control Properties
- Adding Label Controls to a Form
- Adding a Combo Box Control
- Adding Option Buttons
- Adding Command Buttons
- Running a Custom Form
- Handling Form Events
- Initialising a Form
- Closing a Form
- Transferring Data From a Form
- Running Form Procedures
- Creating Error Checking Procedures
- Running a Form From a Procedure
- Running a Form From the Toolbar
- Code Glossary
- Programming Automatic Procedures
- Running Automatic Procedures
- Automatically Starting a Workbook
- Understanding Error Types
- The on Error Statement
- Simple Error Trapping
- Using the Resume Statement
- Using Decision Structures in Error Handlers
- Working With Err Object
- Error Handling in Forms
- Coding Error Handling in Forms
- Defining Custom Errors
- Code Glossary
This course assumes the learner has a good knowledge of working with Excel. The learner should be able to create and edit workbooks, enter formulas, copy, paste, and format data. The learner must also have a general understanding of personal computers and the Windows operating system environment and be able to use File Explorer to locate and copy files.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the Excel object model and VBA concepts
- Work effectively with the main features of the VBA Editor window
- Create procedures in VBA
- Create and use variables
- Create and work with user-defined functions in VBA
- Write code to manipulate Excel objects
- Use a range of common programming techniques
- Create a custom form complete with an assortment of controls
- Create code to drive a user form
- Create procedures that start automatically
- Write a variety of error handling routines
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