Sep 20, 2020
10 habits of highly effective social sellers (Infographic)
In the words of author and speaker John Maxwell … “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your [...]

Sep 06, 2020
I am merging traditional and digital selling – And it is working!
It is 2016. Children are born with square eyes and a smartphone glued to their hand. Half of your office is probably still weaning themselves off Pokémon Go. Words like [...]

Sep 02, 2020
What makes you healthy can also make you a good Social Seller (Infographic)
In 2009 I became a father for the first time. Two years on when my son, Zen, turned 2, I realised that my poor health was impeding my ability to run around and play with [...]

Aug 30, 2020
It is not about 'Traditional' OR 'Social' selling ... It is about 'Traditional' AND 'Social' selling
I recently read through some Social Media statistics relevant to Australia. Did you know that nearly 8 million Australians are on LinkedIn, that 5.5 million Australians [...]

Feb 10, 2021
Remember Me? In one way I hope not!
I had to go looking for my degrees the other day to substantiate something for our RTO (Registered Training Organisation) space. Despite my search, I couldn’t find [...]

Oct 07, 2020
What Customers Want
As customers, we all share some common and very basic needs when dealing with sales or service staff. To stay ahead of competitors, it is in the vendor's best [...]

Oct 22, 2020
'Pure' listen your way to the top
By the time you read this blog I would have celebrated my fifty-second birthday. I always take the opportunity on my special day to take an extended pause and reflect [...]

Apr 11, 2021
Strategies to sell human services (Part 2)
In my previous blog post, I spoke about the challenges with selling human services and the need to create opportunities for strong, long-term, mutually beneficial [...]

Feb 26, 2021
No wonder my sales were down; I thought AIDA was an Italian Opera!
Along time ago, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, before I retrained in psych, I used to be in commercial real estate sales. I failed dismally at my first attempt, which [...]

Jan 15, 2021
The challenges with selling human services
(Part 1)
Has the time come for smaller organisations operating within human services to take a leaf from the pages of the private sector’s strategic approach to business survival [...]