Feb 16, 2021
Adding videos to your website
Often when we are creating websites we are advertising a service or products and a good way to illustrate the products or services in question is through the use of [...]

Nov 17, 2020
AngularJS Service - The Basics
What is an Angular Service? In my previous blog post I have used what we call an Angular Service, we used this service to communicate to a server and retrieve some [...]

Nov 09, 2020
Drag and Drop
When a user interacts with our applications, being either a website or an Office Application; we need to add functionality that can improve the user’s experience. This [...]

Sep 18, 2020
What's a JavaScript Closure?
In today’s blog I will explain the concept of a closure in JavaScript. The best way to grasp this concept is by means of a step-by-step example. Let’s define a [...]

Jul 10, 2020
Implementing live tiles in a Windows Store App
Windows Store apps use tiles to launch the app from the start screen. Tiles can be static or they can be live, receiving notifications from your app or from some [...]

Mar 10, 2021
Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript
Inheritance in JavaScript is implemented in a quite different way as it is in higher level languages like C# and Java. In today's blog we will dig deeper into how [...]