Make multiple copies of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in seconds

 Oct 10, 2016

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular and widely used Microsoft applications in businesses worldwide.

The capabilities of Excel are limitless if you know how to use it. However, there are some limitations in Excel as well. Those limitations can be overcome by free or paid add-ins tools. Those tools will certainly enhance the power of the Excel application.

One of my attendees for an Excel 2013 training session asked me the other day if she can make several copies of a spreadsheet without copying it one by one. She had to create the same worksheet for 31 days of the months for generating daily sales target reports for the sales team. While daily sales target varies slightly, most sales people have the same sales target value. Therefore, she wanted to make 31 copies for 31 days of the sales target report and all she has to do is to change the values for a few sales employees.

I told her that normally Microsoft Excel does not have that capability unless she is downloading an Add-Ins tool. I knew about the Kutools Add-In because I did use this tool several times in the past. Kutools Add-In is not a free download. It comes with a 60-day free trial before you need to purchase it. The trial version is fully functional.

You can download Kutools Add-In from the following website address:

After downloading it, you will see the tool listed on your Microsoft Excel Ribbon. It comes with two tabs:

  1. Kutools
  2. Enterprise

See the figure below.

Kutools tab groups and commands

Enterprise tab groups and commands

Kutools Add-In has a navigation pane on left side of Excel application window. This pane gives you access to a collection of Utilities for the workbook and for the sheet. See below.

The A collection of utilities for sheet button has a drop-down list with a few great options.

One of the options is called Copy Multiple Worksheets

To create multiple copies of one worksheet in one simple way, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Open the workbook you want to use
  2. Click the A collection of utilities for sheet button
  3. Click the Copy Multiple Worksheets option. The Copy Multiple Worksheets dialog box will display
  4. Select the number of copies you want
  5. Select the location where you want Excel to insert the copies
  6. Click OK

  7. The following dialog box displays:

  8. Click OK

Microsoft Excel created 31 copies of your worksheet in seconds saving you time and effort.

You just have to rename the sheets tab names and change the Title of the worksheets.

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About the Author:

Magdalena Todor  

With over 20 years experience as a facilitator and university lecturer, Magda is one of our most senior and experienced trainers. With previous practical on the job experience as a project manager she embodies a brilliant balance of training experience and business knowledge. With every event she delivers, Magda takes a wholehearted approach to ensure every course is impactful, relevant and a genuinely positive learning experience for all.

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