Working with Styles - Part 1

 Jul 04, 2016

Styles in Microsoft Word is a great way to format document text because it allows you to apply easily over selections and to ensure a consistent font theme.

Styles is simply a makeup of font, size, styles and indents that allows us to apply over text without manually formatting selections. Styles can be found in the Home Ribbon where formatting tools are found and installed in the app is a set of Styles in a gallery. While such installed styles like the Heading 1, Heading 2 etc. can be applied over headings, there are also paragraph styles to instantly format paragraph selections. By clicking onto the dialogue box in the bottom right corner of the Styles group, you can then access more styles including List and Table Styles to further your formatting but once again to ensure an overall consistent theme.

Over this series of Blogs, I will be taking us through on how to maximise the use of Styles in Word to enhance company templates. Stay tuned in this series.

By selecting the third drop down arrow from the right of the gallery, this will display Word’s Styles more fully.

To locate more Styles including List and Table Styles that can be found by selecting the dialogue box launcher in the bottom right corner of the Styles group.

Ensuring the Show Preview check box is checked will allow you to preview how each Style would appear once applied.

By using Styles you can ensure a consistent font theme over the document

You can find Part 2 of my "Working with Styles" series here.

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About the Author:

Keith Ching  

At New Horizons Keith delivers Microsoft Office, Sharepoint and Adobe/ Graphic Design training to corporate Australians. Because of his proven ability to build rapport with Clients, Keith has been engaged on training projects that have required expertise outside of the traditional instructing role.Keith also enjoys sharing his knowledge with others, in particular in educating students who contribute to our local ICT industry and economy. In doing so Keith has delivered high quality training to over 4000 students at an average of 92%.In a competitive industry which constantly changes, Keith has a unique skill set which is up-to-date with the latest technology combined with being able to communicate this technical knowledge in a way that students relate to in an engaging, clear and concise manner.His passion in IT and Art and Design has resulted in several recognised qualifications which are a reflection of his creditability by peers and industry.

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