3 Quick wins for your remaining training budget

 Jun 28, 2018

3 Quick wins for your remaining training budget

The end of the financial year is here, and – who would have thought- you still have some money left in your team’s training budget.

Are you in the position where you have to decide quickly on what you are going to do with the budget? That might prove difficult, because you don’t want it to go to waste. We have listed 3 quick wins for your organisation that will no doubt benefit your team.

  1. Refresh your teams excel skills

A refresher course in Excel is in many cases a quick win, as it can significantly improve your team’s efficiency. There are so many features about Microsoft Excel that can help improve the way you do business and make everyday tasks run more efficiently.

Providing courses and training on Microsoft Excel for your employees is going to make them more familiar with how they can incorporate Excel shortcuts into their day-to-day work. Your return on investment is that employees to become more productive with minimal effort.

Learn more about Microsoft Excel training here.

  1. Invest in a 1-Day Time Management or Stress Management course 

We all know how incredibly busy the EOFY – no, the entire year- can be. Invest in your team and help enhance their performance. A 1-Day Time Management course can help your employee and/or team learn how to prioritise, plan and organise your workload better and understand the elements that will sabotage their progress. A 1-Day Stress Management course is a great investment also as today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout and stress in epidemic proportions. This Stress Management workshop explores the causes of such stress, and suggests general and specific stress management strategies that people can use every day so your team has the tools and energy to smash the upcoming NFY!

Learn more about Professional Development training here.

  1. VouchersPlus+

Not sure what training might benefit your team best? Lock-in discounted training rates with New Horizons VouchersPlus+ program. VouchersPlus+ training vouchers allow you to set aside an allocation of your training budget, from which you can then draw down, when and as desired. This way you can lock-in discounted rates and spend your remaining training budget wisely, before it goes to waste.


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About the Author:

New Horizons  

New Horizons is Australia’s leading corporate training provider, and has been educating business professionals for over 15 years in the areas of Professional Development, Microsoft Office & Adobe Applications, and IT Technical. Our aim through this blog is to bring you relevant stories, articles, and tips & tricks that can help you to improve your skills and productivity in the workplace. Our expert trainers will also be posting their own articles from time to time, so be sure to keep an eye out.

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